Categories: Technologyweb design

Learn What Is a Website Builder & Who the Best Provider Is

If you are in the process of creating a website, you may be considering using a website builder. Website builders make it easier than ever to put together a website since they don’t require you to know any code. There are a number of website builders available but we will highlight the best service out there in this article.

What Is a Website Builder

A website builder is a tool that lets a user design a website without any programming skills. Designing a website with a website builder usually involves dragging and dropping content onto pages. You can rearrange content and add elements such as text and rearrange them to suit your preferences. Website builders are easy to use and allow you to put together websites relatively quickly. Typically website builders are better for smaller websites as they lack some of the advanced features gained by building your website with a more conventional content management system (CMS).

Best Website Builders

There are a few different website builders out there, but let’s examine some of the better ones. Before that let’s discuss what you should look for in a website builder.

What to Look for in a Website Builder

One of the main things to look for with a website builder is the ease of use. If it isn’t easy to use then it isn’t worth your time. Website builders were made to be easy to use in the first place. They should have features that let you drag content into the exact position that you desire and it should be easy to add new content.

Having solid customer support is also critical. The type of customer that uses a website builder is probably not technologically advanced. Even though builders are easy to use, they will still need assistance. It is therefore important that website builder companies have a strong support infrastructure in place to help out customers when they need assistance.

Website builders should also give you access to several different types of themes. Some themes are better suited for different applications than others.

In addition, website builders should allow businesses of varying sizes to operate on their platform, especially if the website is sales based. The website builder should allow users to operate at least a medium-sized business on their platform without too much hassle.

Best Website Builder Platforms


Wix is one of the most popular website builders available. It offers users over 500 templates that are easy to adapt to their needs. They are also focused on improvement and are constantly offering improvements to customers. There are also lots of different plugins that you can use to add functionality to your website. This is a solid platform overall but building larger websites can get a little cumbersome with this platform.


Weebly exemplifies ease of use. In terms of ease of use, this website builder is hard to match. You can quickly find the different elements that you need, and put together a page that meets your requirements. Their system also doesn’t seem to have any issues handling larger websites. Weebly’s themes look great and perform well across a number of different types of websites. Several plugins are also available which let you add different features to your website. It would be nice to see a few more plugin options, however.


Websites made with Squarespace look fantastic. Their platform is also great for blogging. This is nice since traditionally people look to WordPress for blogging. However, WordPress is more difficult to use. There are several beautiful themes available that help to make Squarespace a hit with the aesthetically minded. They also offer great customer support which is also a plus. This is a solid website builder overall, but it would be nice if their websites loaded a little more quickly.

Final Thoughts

Website builders take some of the hassles out of putting a website together. You don’t have to be well versed in coding in order to put together a decent looking website with a website builder. If you are working on putting together a website and are thinking of using a website builder, then be sure to check out Wix, Weebly, or Squarespace. Take our reviews above into consideration and choose the one which works for you best.


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