How to Choose Perfect Theme for Your WordPress Website

choose perfect theme for your WordPress website
Yashwant Shakyawal

How to choose the perfect theme for your WordPress website is a very difficult task when you have to select one of many WordPress themes because you are very confused about which WordPress theme to choose or which theme will be perfect for your website. and after you have chosen a theme many times, you feel like we were trying to select someone else and this is not that theme which we want. Although you can be attracted to many themes that’s not right because the correct theme is the same, in which the loading speed, structure data, and the optimization are optimized.

WordPress is a very popular and big CMS platform. It has everything which you need to run your business most successfully. So this thing can be confusing whenever you choose a theme. but there is no problem we will tell you today through this post, how you can choose a user-friendly theme very easily.

Here I am giving you some points you should remember whenever you choose the perfect theme for your WordPress website.

  • Lightweight
  • Responsive
  • Simplicity
  • Browser Compatibility
  • Translation Ready
  • SEO Friendly
  • Themes Rating and Reviews

Always pick a Lightweight WordPress Theme.

How to Choose Perfect Theme for Your WordPress Website

It is very important to check whether the theme is lightweight or not. because according to research, visitors close the website which takes more than 3 seconds. visitors attract on a website which is loads fast and is light on the browser. The better the loading speed of any website and the loading speed of all types of pages on the website, the more the user will also be able to visit your website and Google also increases your ranking by looking at these things.

The faster your website is, the better you can get ranking by Google. If you want to check the loading speed of your website and the speed of all the pages on it, then there are many free tools on the Internet, with the help of which you can find out: eg Google Page Speed ​​Insight, GT Matrix, Pingdom, etc. With the help of all these free tools on the Internet, you can easily check the loading speed of your block on mobile and desktop.

So it’s very necessary to select a lightweight theme which will increase your site’s speed and performance.

Do choose a Responsive theme.

responsive WordPress theme

In today’s time, most people check every website on mobile and it would be easy for them as mobile can be used anywhere. So it is very important that the theme you are choosing is responsive or not. because in today’s time it is very important for the website to be responsive.

responsiveness means your website will be fit in any kind of device like a mobile, tablet, computer, etc.
So whenever you choose the theme for your WordPress website then must be sure that the theme is responsive or not.

Simplicity is an important factor while choosing the Perfect WordPress theme.

choose simple wordpress theme

Every visitor wants a simple and beautiful theme for the website. they don’t want lots of colors, complex layouts, flashy animations, and much more. because many WordPress themes come with too many colors, animations, layouts, fonts styles, etc. these things make the website too heavy. but the thing you should keep in mind that your website should be simple. So always pick a simple theme.

Browser Compatibility

theme browser compatibility

Your theme should be browser compatible because you do not know which browser your user is using. your user can use a different types of browsers so your theme should always be ready to look good in any browser. you can check your theme on different browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc.

Translation Ready

Translate WordPress theme

Your theme should be translation ready because WordPress is a very big CMS platform and there are lots of themes available and mostly WordPress sites are not in the English language. and you will be building websites in many languages ​​other than English. so it very necessary that your WordPress theme should be translation ready and it should support multilingual WordPress plugins.

Choose an SEO Friendly theme.

SEO friendly WordPress theme

SEO plays a very important role in any website. if your website is SEO friendly then you can drive more traffic to your website. If you want people to find your website, then you need to use SEO on your site. A successful website is one that attracts a good amount of visitors daily. to get this kind of success, you first have to pay close attention to SEO on your website. SEO Optimization should also be given special attention while choosing the team for your website.

So whenever you looking any theme for your WordPress website then must sure that this theme should be SEO friendly.

Themes Rating and Reviews

High rating review theme

One more thing you should keep in mind during the selection of theme is your theme rating and reviews. if you are choosing a free WordPress theme then you can see rating and reviews of the theme in
just below the download button. it shows the rating and number of reviews given by users. so form here you will get some idea about your theme which you are choosing for your website.

So these are some points which you can keep in mind when selecting a theme for your WordPress website.

still, struggling to find out the best theme for your WordPress website?

If yes then check our recent post on the best free WordPress theme of 2023.

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