7 WordPress Plugins and Tools to help scale your online popularity

tools to help scale your online popularity
Yashwant Shakyawal

It is no secret that blogging has become immensely popular these days. WordPress and Blogger are two of the most common blogging platform that bloggers work on. However, with so many blogs about almost every topic in the world, blogging has become, in a way, a competition to gain and retain audience attention. It is important for bloggers to develop a regular following in order to maintain the popularity and effectiveness of the blog. While original and interesting content remains extremely crucial to establishing successful blogs, there are several other tools that can help you accomplish the task in an easier way. Here is a handpicked list of 7 WordPress plugins and blog tools to help scale your online popularity.

Yoast SEO

SEO has gained much prominence for any website that wishes to get at the top of search engine results and take in truckloads of audience traffic with them to their site. Yoast SEO plugin is one solution to the humungous task of optimizing your blog content according to SEO standards. It acts as a step-by-step helping hand to assist you in finding the right combination of keywords, using SEO-oriented subheads, and setting up an audience-suited website layout. These plugins have become the newest rage in a race to optimize content for Google searches and derive maximum benefit. Check content and SEO metrics aligned at 60to45 by use of Yoast Plugin.

WP Super Cache

What’s more off-putting for users is that plagiarized content is a website that is extremely annoying to use. Slow websites with build-in errors and compatibility issues can drive out users at the same rate as your proper SEO drove them in. Thus, it becomes extremely viable to have a blog site that is fast, reliable, and hassle-free. Super Cache, in that respect, is a handy plugin that does the job for you precisely and efficiently. It just needs to be installed and logged into and you can then configure the plugins for instant action!

Plagiarism Checker Tool

The importance of originality in blog content cannot be stressed enough. Users have immediately rushed away from blogs that have content directly ripped off from another website. It also makes for a bad reputation as a blogger. To avoid any such situation, it is normally advised to check your content for plagiarism before you set it good to go. Thankfully, there are numerous online plagiarism tools that do an effective and quick job of pointing out copied content. Head to ThanksForTheHelp if you are looking for a free and fast plagiarism checker!

Google Analytics by Yoast

Feel the need to check your website analytics provided by Google but are too lazy to open a separate website from time to time? Remove the extra effort by installing a ‘Google Analytics by Yoast’ plugin to your WordPress blog and see the magic happen in front of you. The plugin enables Google Analytics to appear within your blog dashboard itself. This eliminates the need for you to separate search for Google Analytics on your website.

WordFence Security

Blog security becomes another major concern in a Netscape that is plagued with fraud, hacking and hidden networks. Wordfence is a popular security plugin that allows features like blocking malicious networks, scanning for vulnerabilities; monitoring various metrics that could make your site more open to attack, and much more. This creates an additional wall of protection for your blog; preventing it from foreign attacks once it starts becoming popular. Plus, added security is always a bonus anyway!

Google XML Sitemaps

Sometimes, despite having good SEO measures in place along with quality content; blog sites still don’t appear in Google searches easily. The cause of the problem might not lie in your search optimization efforts but in your site itself. It may be rigged with bugs that prevent it from getting recognized on Google. Google XML Sitemaps plugin is one of the top WordPress plugins for giving your site just what it needs. By creating an XML sitemap, your site is much easier for Google to crawl and read; thus helping your site rank higher. This solves the problem in a quick minute and expands the reach of your blog posts!

Content related tools

Sometimes, the problem lies in the root itself i.e. in the content of the blog. It is important to have carefully edited and proofread content in place that has sufficient value in the meaning it is trying to convey. While bloggers generally tend to ace this part; quite often they are faced with roadblocks when it comes to producing a good quantity of quality content. There are several types of content-related tools/ websites that might come to your rescue.

There are sites like PaperDoers that would surprisingly present you with useful and highly customized guidelines for blog content and help in the ideation process. You can also employ professional proofreading and editing services like OnlineAssignmentWriting, TopAssignmentExperts, Online Assignment Help, and many more. The good thing about these websites is that their team of experts assists you in refining your content to improve its appeal and effectiveness as compared to others. Additionally, the burden of editing is taken off of your shoulders to make the work easier. Worst comes to worst if you find yourself completely drained out to even write an article for the blog, just use online content writers’ help from websites like EssayWriter4U as a stand-out service. These content tools can modify the popularity of your blog to an unmatched extent.

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