5 Employee Benefits That Appeal to Creatives

Here at WPShopMart, we deal with creatives a great deal. Our world-class WordPress themes require dedication and focus to produce. Keeping our designers and developers happy is necessary because the unmotivated staff doesn’t always produce the best work.
We expect that the same goes for web studios, SEO agencies, and others that rely on a dedicated team to deliver on behalf of clients. Here are five employee benefits that are likely to appeal to creatively inclined people.
Flexible Schedule
While a flexible schedule might not be seen as a perk or a benefit, creatives like their freedom. They’re certainly no corporate ‘yes-person,’ and so they value flexibility. Offering a flexible schedule as one of several employee benefits involves the more careful tracking of unexpected days off, half days, and more. In some situations, creatives may want a working situation where they arrive a few hours later and make up the time at a later date. This may not conform to a standard half-day or full-day off, but it might be what’s requested or expected as a creative’s idea of a flexible employer.
Health & Wellness
According to employment law firm Diefer Law Group, P.C., health and wellness is something that many types of employees are showing an interest in.For creatives who are often on the younger end of the employee spectrum. Who may eat organically and like to keep in shape, and move a company makes towards providing for their health is important to them. Given that creatives mostly are still sitting down on the job – some may have standing desks at this point – wellness programs hold greater appeal for this reason. They know too much seated time is bad for the body and causes it to stiffen up, so discounted gym memberships or local wellness programs are often well-received.
Remote Working
In digital media and web development circles, working remotely has been more widely adopted than in some other industries. Where a progressive move to urge employees to return to the office is happening in some industries. This is not something that web agencies and others are pursuing. Not every creative will see the option to work from home as an employee benefit. However, from a company’s perspective, it’s often viewed this way. For some imaginative types, they may see remote working at this stage as a prerequisite.
Food Provided
Providing free food is not something that all creatives will want, but when it’s healthy and available. They may see the advantages. For those that are saving up for vacations, a car, or something else. Then the cost-saving alone will be appreciated because office lunches aren’t cheap.
Bring Your Dog to Work Day
Some companies allow their staff to bring their domesticated pets to work. Others do not. Typically, if the founder is a dog lover, then they may have started this trend. Usually, this applies to dogs that are housetrained and obey instructions from their owner. It’s important to appreciate if someone has a phobia about dogs or other animals that may come to visit.
The benefits vary for which ones will hold appeal to creative types. Web studios and other places that employ them mustn’t offer a standardized list of benefits that don’t reflect their different desires.