How To Transform Your Website Into A Customer Centric Brand: 4 Vital Steps

How To Transform Your Website Into A Customer Centric Brand
Yashwant Shakyawal

eCommerce has slowly but surely grown in popularity over the last decade. But, in the last year, it has absolutely sky-rocketed beyond expectations. With the global spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and the impacts of global lockdown and restrictions, eCommerce received the boost it needed to start dominating as an industry. So if you are planning to convert your site into an eCommerce store then keep reading this article. Here I will tell you How To Transform Your Website Into A Customer-Centric Brand in just 4 easy steps.

Online retailers experienced unprecedented growth during the pandemic, while traditional brick and mortar stores scrambled to pivot their business to cater to a more digital customer. eCommerce is not looking to slow down any time soon. In fact, experts have noted that the premature growth merely fuelled a marked move toward digital shopping becoming the way of the future.

So, whether you are currently running an eCommerce website, looking to kick one-off, or wanting to pivot your current brand to an online entity, we took a look at the simple steps on How To Transform Your Website Into A Customer-Centric Brand in easy steps. We will take you through simple ways that you can ensure that your site is not merely just a site, but a prominent customer-centric brand.

1. Optimize Your Social Media

The first step that you can use to Transform Your Website Into A Customer-Centric Brand is to use your social media. It is one thing to be on social media, and to have a presence, but how much is that social standing really working for you? It is vital to keep an eye open on your social metrics to determine just how much impact you are making on your audience.

Social Media Icons

Remember, social media can assist you in rapidly expanding your audience and placing you in front of untapped markets, you simply need to be smart about it. Take your customer profile into consideration when choosing your platforms. Which platform are you likely to reach more potential paying customers on and what kind of content would they be looking for?

You can dig deep into your customers’ demographics, interests, and behaviors to ascertain just how to speak directly to them on their favorite platforms.

Consider professional and educational videos, engaging stories, social commerce, and real-life engaging stories to identify with your customer.

Social media can be incredibly time-consuming, but once you have put together a content calendar and strategy, you can pre-create content to be duplicated across your channels and scheduled to go out at a certain time. Luckily, there are a number of social media management tools online that can take the hard work off your hands and allow you time to manage other aspects of the business.

2. Focus on Powerful Content

Powerful Content

This is going to tie into what we have mentioned above, but we are simply going to expand on it. Your content that is on your site, as well as on your socials works in two ways. Firstly, it helps you with your SEO rankings. Google scrapes your site to ascertain where to place you in the search engines and in the search results. So, having the right keywords on your site as well as with any content being distributed is vital.

But content also helps your customers find you, trust you, and want to buy from you. You simply have to get the content right. It needs to be educational, informative, entertaining, and empowering to really draw in an audience and convert them to being loyal customers.

Let’s look at an example. An online pet retailer can frequently post blogs on their site about information that their potential customers might be searching for, things like ‘What food can be dangerous for dogs,’ or ‘How to keep my cat fit.’ These are more than likely to be frequently searched questions that you can answer and provide the reader with useful information.

Within the article, you can then place CTAs linking back to the relevant products on your site, or the dog or cat food that just happens to be on special that week. Plan your content around these specials and discounts and you will start seeing your conversion rates spiking.

3. Carefully Plan Your Landing and Product Pages

Your website itself plays a large role in converting your visitors to customers, so you will need to make sure that each and every part of it is optimized for heightened conversion rates. Images need to be high-quality, yet web-optimized so as not to be too large and slowing down your loading speed. Not only does Google penalize you for slow page speeds, but your customer is going to drop off within seconds of waiting too long.

CTAs need to be well-thought-out and places to drive the customer to convert. Make sure that all of your CTAs are placed above the fold of the page at all times. If you monitor your visitors’ behavior on your site, you will see that they frequently do not scroll far below the fold. So, keep your snappy and attractive CTA in plain sight.

Your product pages need to hold all of the relevant content that your customer will need to know about the item to actually buy it. Remember, they cannot physically look and touch it, so try and give them as much of the experience as you can on these pages. Provide simple, detailed descriptions (packed with keywords). Encourage customers to provide reviews to create a sense of trust in the product.

Lastly, provide as much information on this page as you can about the extra costs that might come with the price. Extra fees, shipping costs, admin fees. Highlight these on the product page to reduce your abandoned cart rate and to install a sense of trust with your customer.

4. Partner With Affiliates

This, like your content, benefits your company in two different ways. Firstly, affiliates can heighten your SEO rankings, and you can reach new, untapped, targeted audiences.

Look for sites that you can share your blogs and content too on a regular basis if you can. Not only will their audiences be able to have a view of your brand, and learn to trust it, but you will be able to start link-building exercises to heighten your SEO. Google picks up link building between sites and not only knows how to categorize you but also determines how far up the rankings you should be based on the other site.

It is important here to ensure that you are linking to an authoritative site. The level of the site will indicate to Google where you should be placed in the search rankings, so do not simply opt for any site. Quality over quantity is key.

Next, look out for influencers. Don’t get put off by macro-influencers who charge hundreds of thousands for one post. Rather, focus your attention on micro-influencers who cost less and will put more work into their work with you. There are numerous benefits that come with micro-influencers. Not only are their fans and followers more likely to be your exact target audience, but they are more likely to engage with them and spend more time on their content. This is a great way of building up your brand from your site with affiliates to assist.

Last Thoughts

In wrapping up, make sure you test every single action you take on your site at all times. Whether you are changing content, or an image, make sure you measure the impact it has and whether it attracts more or less attention from your visitors. Using this testing method will ensure that you build up your brand according to what your customer wants. So that’s it I hope you get all the easy ways on How you can Transform Your Website Into A Customer-Centric Brand.

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