How To Decide On Your Future Profession?


Some people have a clear dream as a child, who they want to become professionals like doctors, lawyers, hairdressers, or firefighters. Some of them in adulthood set a goal and realize children’s dreams. Others are deciding on the profession much later, even while already being a student of some educational institution.

If you are not sure which profession to choose, try yourself in different fields, gain valuable experience and improve your skills. Overall, let us give you more tips on how to do it.

One Profession ForLife? Not Necessarily

Experts from Oxford University predict that by 2030, about 47% of the professions that are popular today will disappear. There is no doubt that new specialities will appear accordingly. Inevitable changes will force employees to adapt to realities, and learn new skills. Therefore, today you should start learning and be ready for changes in the labour market. If you “keep your hand on the pulse”, it will be easier to adapt to change, and you will be able to improve your skills. You will not miss the opportunity to get to know yourself and your abilities better. Like if you are currently about to become a philologist, but feel like essay writing services are getting more and more popular, don’t be afraid to try and go explore this field.

Development Never Ends

It is important to set long-term and short-term career goals and consistently strive to achieve them. However, you do not need to know today what you will do in 10 years. The world is changing so dynamically that it is extremely difficult to predict what will happen in a few years.

No matter what stage of your career you are in at the moment, look for opportunities for development. Think about your talents and what you like, and then look for job offers that you find attractive. If you have no experience, you can start an internship or become a volunteer. It is important that the tasks you will perform help in professional development and bring experience and knowledge.

Before you get a job, find out if your employer is helping employees develop and improve their skills. You can ask about this during the interview. Learn to use the opportunities provided by the company.

However, do not dwell on the opportunities offered by other people, show your own initiative. Look for time and money for training or mentoring, making useful connections. Follow the situation in the industry, attend interesting courses (even free), training, presentations, etc. Try to establish new connections all the time, having someone in every field, like for example in GradeMiners service, may give you some additional insights on the job people are performing there.

Finding Your Way

Finding Your Way

The younger the candidate profession, the more loyal employers are too frequent job changes or regular internships. Much also depends on the industry. Suspicion may arise, for example, in a situation where the employee quickly leaves work, which requires a long period of adaptation. Frequent, radical changes in the specialization will also not be to your advantage.

It is worth focusing on a specific area and developing within the established framework. It will be great if your employment history is consistent, albeit extremely diverse. It is important that you not only gain experience but draw conclusions and look for areas that arouse your interest, enthusiasm, give energy – including in private life. Do different things: travel, visit exhibitions, museums, ride a bike, go to the movies, football, etc. It may be also useful if you read this additional article on the self-care topic –

Universal Skills Are Always Valued

Although the labour market is undergoing dynamic changes today, there are still universal competencies that need to be developed to prepare well for a change. As for them:

  • Flexibility and adaptability;
  • Efficiency and purposefulness;
  • Skills in the field of STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics);
  • Openness to what is new and unknown.

Changes often cause fear and uncertainty, so a person struggles with the temptation to take a comfortable job, which, although not conducive to development, guarantees a sense of security. However, you should step out of your comfort zone and enjoy overcoming your own barriers and achieving success. It is easier to be motivated in the field of activity that you like.

It is important that you not only adapt to reality but also realize your own dreams and meet the needs you have. The most important – don’t limit yourself if you want something truly.


Introducing Benjamin Oaks – the man of many talents, including academic writing. Graderminer to the backbone, Benjamin takes great pride in helping new generations of college graduates in the U.S. to get their diplomas successfully and be able to pay off college loans faster. Also, Benjamin is a cool guy to talk to on non-work related topics, from sports to high cuisine.


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