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18 Tips for Starting a WordPress blog in 2024

Starting a WordPress blog
Yashwant Shakyawal

Is starting a WordPress blog among your 2024 resolutions? If your answer is yes, you need to brace yourself well for the new exciting experience. Truth be told, starting a blog is not a breeze neither does the success of the project need rocket science. There are several things that some WordPress bloggers tend to overlook yet they are very important for the desired success of their blogs and that’s why some of them give up along the way. Since you are not on the mission of starting a blog that you expect to fail, you should consider applying the following tips.

1. Get your financial math right

Although WordPress offers quite a good number of services for free, there are some tools you’ll need to invest in for the safety and professional appearance of your blog. Some of these tools are WordPress software, premium plugins, web hosting services and email marketing software.

2. Establish your niche

It is important that you come up with a blog that sets you apart from other bloggers. As such, you need to establish that which you will be writing about, that is, establish your niche. It is better to concentrate on one field instead of being a jack of all trades; writing anything that comes to your mind. The focus is very important in blogging, just as it is in many other fields.
If you want to love your blogging rather than finding it like a stressful 8-5 job, choose to write on a topic that you are interested in. In-depth knowledge of your preferred niche is a huge plus as you can just apply you can simply put it in writing without consulting other sources. You can consider three or so niches.

3. Perform a competition analysis

You need to know how much competition is in the niches that you have just chosen. Use keyword research to establish the number of blogs related to your niches. Since you want your blog to rank highly on search engines and so, there’s no need of wasting your time and resources on a niche with stiff competition. Upon doing the analysis, you can pick the niche with the least competition and let go of the others.

4. Select the best domain name

You can choose any name for your blog. However, it is important that you choose a name that relates to your niche by including related keywords in it. for instance, if you want to blog about tiles, you can choose a domain name like 111qualitytiles.com. this approach will improve the ranking of your blog on search engines.

5. Come up with a tagline

It is through your blog’s tagline that your audience will have an idea of what your blogging is all about. Therefore, you should not just come up with any tagline but one that communicates your identity, values, and content briefly. It is key to the development of your brand. Again, choose your tagline wisely.

6. Schedule your blogging time

There’s no crime in waking up in the middle of the night to put down something that crosses your mind. That’s fine. Nevertheless, if you want to be serious with your blogging, you need to schedule some specific time for that. You can take advantage of Google Calendar for the scheduling. The free calendar will also remind you when it is time to write as per your schedule.

7. Choose your blog host well

A good blog host comes in handy for a smooth blogging experience. You don’t want to wake up one day and find that all your data has disappeared into thin air with no trace, do you? if your answer is yes, then you need to invest in a reputable company for the hosting of your blog. You can’t go wrong with a big and trusted host like Bluehost or Hostgator. However, you can decide to use a starter pack hosting service for a start and then subscribe to a premium service later when the traffic to your WordPress blog increases.

Along with good hosting, blog sites must focus on their website security. An SSL certificate is an excellent option, to secure their website from data theft and get a Google ranking boost. An SSL certificate creates a secure path between, the user browser and the web server. Comodo SSL offers a low-cost SSL certificate with the highest encryption security. Small, Medium, or Large sites can take Comodo SSL from www.cheapsslshop.com/comodo, and the price starts at $7 per year.

Premium SSL offers various benefits like maximum browser support, unlimited certificate reissue during certificate lifespan, and unlimited server license.

8. Choose the best colours

No serious blogger can afford to underestimate the importance of colors in their blogs. The color combination you choose for your blog will have much to do with your branding and so, you should do the choosing very carefully. The choice should also be dependent on your desired statement and impression of the blog. Preferably, use a two or three-colour palette

9. Make your blog user-friendly

You need to make things easy and simple for your blog visitors, from the language you use in your content to the navigation of your blog. Otherwise, you’ll end up losing a significant portion of your audience when they fail to find what they need in your blog. Ensure that your site has the fastest loading time possible and a search form for easy searching of articles.

Besides, be alert to the suggestions raised by your visitors. Although you can’t implement each and everything that someone recommends you to do, some suggestions may be the route to the success of your blog if implemented.

10. Produce quality content

There is a lot of content on the internet but not everything is worth spending the time to read some blog posts have helped many people big time. There’s no better replacement for quality content if you (blogger) want to grow and remain competitive online. Set yourself apart from other bloggers by adopting a unique way of communicating your ideas. Besides, try to give your readers exceptional and helpful insights that can rarely be found elsewhere.

11. Create quality backlinks

Allocate some time to creating some quality backlinks for your blog to improve its ranking on search engines. Some of the approaches you can use to do this include guest posting, commenting on other blogs, and participating in various online forums, especially those related to your blogging niche.

12. Strive to retain visitors

The dream of any blogger is to see their articles trending. This happens when people are happy with their blog posts and share them on their online platforms such as social media sites and blogs. Try to make people spend a significant amount of their time reading your blog posts by not only creating engaging content but also by incorporating features such as Related Post sections under each post. Remember that visitors are more likely to respond to your call to action ( for instance, asking them to buy a product, hire a service, subscribe to a newsletter, etc.) if they stay longer on your blog.

13. Analyze traffic

It is important to do an analysis of your blog’s traffic as it is through this you’ll be able to know your visitors and the posts that have attracted the most people. With this information, you can come up with a good plan on how to create better additional content for your audience. You can link Google Analytics, a free tool by Google, to monitor your visitors as well as their behaviors.

14. Stay engaged

Things are changing really fast nowadays, especially with the advancement of technology. As such, your audience would like to see you update them with new and helpful information to help them deal with their changing needs. Therefore, you should consider posting blog posts regularly, perhaps once a week or so.

15. Interact with other bloggers

Blogging is not about seeing other bloggers as a threat and mere competitors. Yes, competition is there and it can be very thick at times but you should try to get some lemonade out of the lemons that the online atmosphere offers you. In short, you should see your competitors as teammates; people you can borrow ideas from to grow as a blogger. Reach out to other bloggers in your nice, comment on and share their blog posts and some of them will reciprocate your kindness. It is a win-win affair.

16. Follow 80/10/10 content sharing rule

Follow the 80/10/10 content sharing rule as you share content on your blog. 80% of the content you share should be from other bloggers, 10% ought to be your non-promotional content while the rest (10%) should be your promotional content.
80/10/10 content sharing rule is a great way of showing your familiarity with various aspects of your niche. Besides, by doing so, you’ll be able to connect with other prominent bloggers in your field of specialization.

17. You need thick skin too!

Everyone will like and praise whatever you write. Ooh, sorry! That’s a lie! Blogging is not for the faint-hearted. You are likely to come across some hurting experiences from cyberbullies. But does it mean that at that point you’ll call it quits and let your blog deal with its natural death? No! You need to develop a thick skin early enough before your haters break you. Accept constructive suggestions and disregard those whose aim is to make you feel like a terrible failure. Even the most successful bloggers face some unnecessary negative criticism. Brace yourself for it as well.

18. Keep on writing and learning

Don’t expect overnight success in blogging. Instead, you need to keep going even when you find it challenging. With time, you’ll look back and say “ yes, the struggle was worth it!” however, you should not write blindly but rather learn at least something new every day to improve your writing as well as for the better management of your blog.
Hopefully, upon applying these tips, you’ll be able to launch a successful blog this year. If you are still not sure how to do it, you may want to contact a professional web design company to help you.

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